2025/02/26【Important Security Notice】 Warning Against Fraudulent Website

Dear MaiCoin Users,

We have recently discovered fraudulent websites created by unauthorized individuals attempting to scam users. These websites display "yocmaicoin" on their login page, clearly impersonating our company. These fraudulent websites require users to log in using their account and password, resulting in asset losses.

Please note:

  • Our official websites are https://www.maicoin.com/
  • Do not log in to or use any websites with similar URLs
  • Do not trust investment advice from unofficial channels
  • We never request wallet binding through unofficial channels

We recommend bookmarking our official website URLs and verifying the correct URL every time you log in. If you encounter any suspicious websites or fraudulent activities, please report to our customer service immediately or contact the Anti-Fraud Hotline at 165.

Our official customer service can only be reached through the following channels. If you receive any information about the MaiCoin Group through other channels, please verify with our official customer service first.

  • Customer Service Hotline: (02) 2722-1314
  • Customer Service Email: max@maicoin.com / info@maicoin.com
  • Live chat support at the bottom right of our official website

MaiCoin Team

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